Thanks to all of you for reading this blog! If you can believe it, I have been keeping this up for eight years this month! I was so reluctant to start it in the first place, thinking no one would want to read the random thoughts in my head.
However, years later I hope I have inspired, educated, and entertained with the words that flow so easily out of me. I've lived in two countries with this blog and gone on numerous trips. But, I've also shared my thoughts about living, travel, and so much more.
As you know, I made many videos when I lived in Japan. As much as I have loved blogging over these years, I really enjoy "vlogging" too. (video blogging) It's something that I want to continue to do.
I put my videos up on Facebook and they were easy for friends and family to see, but now wanting to get a little more organization with them, I decided to upload them all to YouTube so I can create playlists and keep them more organized. Right now I am in the process of uploading all my videos from Japan to a channel there. I have chosen to disable commenting for all my videos. While my videos are searchable and public so anyone can view them if they really want to, I still see this as just a way to share videos with family and friends. YouTube viewers tend to be pretty honest in their comments (a.k.a very mean and rude), and it's just not something that I need to open myself up for. I don't have a dream of becoming a YouTube sensation, I just want the people in my life to hear what I have to say.
I'm still working out the best technology and techniques for filming my vlogs. So bear with me, if the sound or filming quality is not that great. The cell phone microphone is not that great so it's probably best to watch my videos on a computer with good speakers. I'm researching better options for sounds, but with no job right now, I don't want to incur much more expense.
To get to my YouTube channel you can click the picture link on the right side of this blog. Thanks again for reading and watching!