5 a.m.- Wake up at and access if I will be able to go
jogging outdoors or not. With so much rain, every day is a gamble. But, with outdoor jogging being my only
source of high intensity cardio vascular activity, I usually hope for a dry
morning. I grab a small snack, drink a glass of water, and head out when it’s
quiet and deserted on the streets. I alternate between jogging three miles
around various sidewalks and going to the nearby park for short laps mixed with
body weight exercises (push-ups, lunges, squats, etc.). I try to get vigorous
exercise for 30-45 minutes 3-4 days per week. When returning, I towel off
sweat and humidity and lay out on my yoga mat for some stretching and cooling
6 a.m.- Start making a hot, beverage which alternates
between matcha green tea and coffee, depending on my taste that day. I start
getting items around for my sack lunch, possibly leftovers from the night
before and a few random snacks. I can also choose to buy my lunch in the school
cafeteria, from a nearby take out restaurant, or a convenience store. I can
typically get a decent lunch for 500 yen (or $5.00).
At this time I usually turn a t.v. show on my computer. This carries over from my life in the U.S., when I enjoyed having some “company” as I got ready in the morning. Though it seems mindless, I enjoy having that stimulation to get my mind going in the morning. I begin making breakfast, which is usually oatmeal with nuts and fruit. Or, if I am feeling lazy, I will pour a quick bowl of cereal. I have always liked having a good breakfast as a base, and here it is no different. I also like to use this morning time to do some personal reading, journaling, or studying Japanese. I have felt an increased sense of productivity here in the mornings.
At this time I usually turn a t.v. show on my computer. This carries over from my life in the U.S., when I enjoyed having some “company” as I got ready in the morning. Though it seems mindless, I enjoy having that stimulation to get my mind going in the morning. I begin making breakfast, which is usually oatmeal with nuts and fruit. Or, if I am feeling lazy, I will pour a quick bowl of cereal. I have always liked having a good breakfast as a base, and here it is no different. I also like to use this morning time to do some personal reading, journaling, or studying Japanese. I have felt an increased sense of productivity here in the mornings.
7 a.m.- I am not a morning shower taker, so I only spend a few
minutes at the mirror. I brush my teeth,
wash my face, put on some makeup, and get my hair to do something decent. I’ll
put together an outfit in front of my closet. I haven’t brought many clothes to
Japan, so this process is rather simple. Since dressing for work is between business
casual and business formal I have certain parameters to stay within. Dresses are simple, and I have
a few in basic colors that I enjoy rotating to make it stress-free. When there
are so many other things for me to make sense of in a day, I like to keep my
wardrobe easy.
8 a.m.- Depart for work on foot or bike.
8:15 a.m.- Arrive at school I stop at my locker to change from my
outdoor shoes to my indoor ones. In this school, as with many other similar
establishments people do not wear their outdoor shoes inside. This means that
every teacher and student must change their shoes when coming in. The students
all wear the same athletic sandals and teachers keep whatever kind of
shoes they like in their locker.
Arriving at the main entrance of school. |
Can you find my locker? |
I head up three flights of stairs to the teachers room, put
down my things, go fill my water bottle and get to work. Depending on the day I
may have a class first period and if I do, I hustle to my classroom by 8:20 when
the first bell rings. Click here to listen to what our “bell” sounds like.
Again, depending on the day I teach between two and four
classes. In the periods that I do not have a class, I am working on grading.
Most, if not all of my grading responsibilities, are reading students’ writing.
Weekly or every other week I will read and correct writing by the approximately
300 students I come into contact with through teaching. I read a lot of short
essays (50-100) words, correcting spelling, grammar, and natural flow.
Is this hard? Yes. It is doable? Yes. Do I enjoy it? Yes, pretty much. Luckily, I love reading and writing, so this type of work is right in my wheelhouse. Though, I won’t pretend that it doesn’t get a little bit daunting and I can begin to zone out while correcting hundreds of writing samples by students who are writing in a foreign language. The 3rd year (seniors) students’ writing is typically quite good and I enjoy learning about them through it. The 1st year (sophomores) students’ writing usually has more red ink on it, but is still fun to read.
Is this hard? Yes. It is doable? Yes. Do I enjoy it? Yes, pretty much. Luckily, I love reading and writing, so this type of work is right in my wheelhouse. Though, I won’t pretend that it doesn’t get a little bit daunting and I can begin to zone out while correcting hundreds of writing samples by students who are writing in a foreign language. The 3rd year (seniors) students’ writing is typically quite good and I enjoy learning about them through it. The 1st year (sophomores) students’ writing usually has more red ink on it, but is still fun to read.
12:15 p.m. It's time for lunch and I typically eat at my desk
though I’ve try and challenge myself to go elsewhere just to get away. If the
weather is nice and I have a free 5th period, I like to go out for a
walk to get some midday exercise and fresh air. While teaching I am on my feet
a lot, but during free periods I can be guilty of large amounts of sitting.
Afternoon- More classes and grading.
3:50 p.m.- 7th period ends which is the last class of the day, though I am still at my desk
until 4:15. Technically, within the parameters of my contract, that is when my
working hours end for the day. However, I am expected to play a role in the after
school English speaking club which meets daily from 4:15 to sometimes as late
as 6:00 p.m. I am not needed every day and out of respect for my time, I am not
expected or asked to stay every day. I usually inquire about the club’s
activity during the school day or immediately right after to see if I am needed. There are busier periods and slower periods with this club. Though the
students always meet daily, they only need my help daily during periods leading
up to speech competitions or drama performances. All in all, I typically will
stay until about 5 or 5:30 if I stay at all. Making my work day 8-5, just like
a typical American work day. Though my contract states I have a 35 hour work
week, sometimes a 40 hour week is necessary. Since I am salaried, I don’t see
any difference in pay, however my salary is quite generous.
Somewhere between 4:15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.- After work I can decide to go out on an adventure or head
home. Adventures can include, exploring the public library, grocery shopping,
going out for ice cream, shopping at the 100 yen store, or exploring some
nearby landmark. These adventures are simple, but fun, and are eventful in
another culture. If I am too tired or hungry (all too often) I just head home
and begin making dinner and winding down for the day.
6-9 p.m.-At this point daylight has faded along with the energy left in me.
Since I wake up at 5 a.m. and I don’t get a midday rest, by 7-8 pm my eyelids are
getting pretty heavy. In this time I like to spend time online, looking up things that interest me and getting lost in eclectic YouTube labyrinths.
Between 9 and 10 p.m.- After a long day I find going to sleep quite easy and I’m excited to have a still and quiet place to rest, until the alarm rings again the next morning.
Checking out a nearby shrine. |
Between 9 and 10 p.m.- After a long day I find going to sleep quite easy and I’m excited to have a still and quiet place to rest, until the alarm rings again the next morning.
Right now and hopefully for the next year this schedule will be a good balance of a comfortable routine spliced with adventures. I believe both are needed for this experience to be successful for me.